

(sound of students chattering- diegetic sound)

Semina: (Walks out of class) (diegetic sound of people in the corridor i.e. footsteps)
Daniella:(see's Semina walking out of class and follows her) (diegetic sound)
Semina: (receives a message from Daniella) (You're so stupid and ugly no one likes you) (she then                     scrolls up and sees all the over threatening messages)
             (non Diegetic sound of phone alert, looks upset and walks into the toilets)
             (she drops her phone on the floor and as she goes down to pick it up, Daniella grabs her                       phone)
Daniella: How can someone like you afford something like this (laughs) (she drops her phone on the                floor and it cracks)
Semina: (semina picks her phone up and starts to cry) 
              (Time lapse of Daniella bullying Semina for 5 days in the toilets at the same time)
              (words such as: ugly, worthless, fat pig, go die
Rema: ( flushes the chain and comes out of the toilets) (she then walks to the sink and washes her                   hands) (she then see's somebody crying in the corner of the toilets and walks up to her and                   consoles her) Are you going to let her talk to you like that and bring you down, your worth                 more than being somebodies punch bag.
Semina: (sniffles) How can I stand up to her, someone like me will never have a chance
Rema: Well you cant let her treat you like this. You remind me of someone.
Semina: (she looks confused)
Rema: Me. 5 years ago I was bullied day in day out, one day it got too bad and I told someone,                        someone who I thought i could trust.
Semina: I cant trust anyone, she threatened to kill me if i said anything and I think she was serious.
Rema: There's a lot of people you can trust it doesn't have to be a parent or a teacher it can be people               that deal in this situation everyday.
Semina: Like who?
Rema: Hashtag Standuptobullying that's where I went, when I thought it was enough, they helped me            come over my biggest fear which was standing up to the bully and since then my lives been                better. Hashtag Standuptobullying helped my life I dont even think I would be as confident as              I am today if it wasnt for them.
Semina: So how do I get help from them
Rema: First things first go on the website. (Rema hands over her phone and Semina search                             #standuptobullying) (close up of her phone and finger scrolling down the website and finding             the phone number)
Semina:(piece to camera) I got the help that I needed that I thought I would never get. #Standuptobullying taught me that asking someone for help is okay and it doesnt make you weak.


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