
RA/ Recce
BTEC First extended certificate in creative digital Media production.
·         This is an examination of each location that will take place during our short film and the risk assessment.
Leyton sixth form front gates:
1.      Cameras could be left outside and therefore any one will have access to them. To make sure this doesn’t happen we shall make sure we have the camera at all times.
2.      The camera could drop causing the lens to break. If the lens is broken we will not be able to film our short film unless we are able to get another camera in time for the films due date.
3.      There may be staff/students passing at any time during our shots therefore we will be careful whilst walking around especially whoever will be filming at that point.
Alfred Hitchcock block:
1.      As we will be in the media department there may be other cameras as other students may also be completing their work in the same area as us. Therefore there will be many equipment’s out such as, cameras, cables ext. To avoid any accidents cables must be in a place where no one will be able to trip over them.
School Cage:
1.      There may be students outside whilst we’re filming meaning, they may be playing out with footballs or basketballs so we must be careful to no bump into them as they can break the camera.


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